Manajemen Transportasi Melalui Dinas Perhubungan Kota Surabaya Dalam Memberikan Pelayanan Transportasi Publik Kepada Masyarakat Surabaya Studi Kasus Wira Wiri Surabaya

zakiy, musthafa waliyuddin (2024) Manajemen Transportasi Melalui Dinas Perhubungan Kota Surabaya Dalam Memberikan Pelayanan Transportasi Publik Kepada Masyarakat Surabaya Studi Kasus Wira Wiri Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, UPN Veteran Jawa Timur.

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This research aims to find out and describe the management of wira wiri Surabaya through the Surabaya City Transportation Department as a means of public transportation services for the Surabaya community. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques carried out by observation; document study; and in-depth interviews with informants. Determination of informants is done by purposive technique on key informants, then continued with snowball technique. The data validity checking technique used is data triangulation. Furthermore, the data analysis technique is by reducing data; presenting data; and drawing conclusions, the focus of this research is 4, namely safety, regularity, comfort and economy. The results showed that the management of wira wiri Surabaya in the aspect of safety wira wiri Surabaya has fulfilled the safety aspects of passengers because of the infrastructure facilities provided to passengers. In the aspect of regularity wira wiri Surabaya has not been able to have a good regularity of operational schedules for passengers because the certainty of passenger time in the vehicle departure schedule does not exist. In the aspect of comfort wira wiri Surabaya has fulfilled the comfort of passengers because the facilities in the vehicle have been well considered. Furthermore, in the aspect of economy wira wiri Surabaya has fulfilled the affordability of tariffs for riding wira wiri Surabaya because of the distribution of the Surabaya city government so that low tariffs make the affordability of wira wiri Surabaya tariffs. Keywords: transportation management, wira wiri Surabaya, public service

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Thesis advisorKriswibowo,
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications
Divisions: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > Departement of Public Administration
Depositing User: Mr Musthafa waliyuddin zakiy
Date Deposited: 28 May 2024 04:25
Last Modified: 28 May 2024 04:25

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